Aims & Objectives
It is the aim of Chasebell ltd to provide safe, affordable, accessible, quality childcare and play opportunities. We hope to support single parents, working families and those in education and training.
Children for Whom Care is Provided
We provide sessions during school holidays from the age of 4-12 years (in line with our Care Inspectorate Wales CIW registration).
The service will provide a friendly, fun and stimulating environment for all who attend irrespective of their culture, abilities or social status while meeting the social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional needs of all the children and recognising the individual needs of each child. Children with special needs can be accommodated after consultation between parents, and Karen or Louise.
The Clubs are run by Karen Sherrington and Louise Martin-Young and fully qualified Playworkers. Staffing levels always meet the requirements set by CIW. All staff are police 14checked. The minimum staff ratio is 1:8 with 1 adult to 8 children. At least 1 member of staff on duty will hold a current Paediatric First Aid certificate. All staff receive induction training which covers Health & Safety and Child Protection Policies and Procedures. Staff receive regular supervisions and an annual appraisal.
Club Premises/Facilities Offered
We are situated in the school grounds in purpose-built premises at Ysgol Craig-y-don and Ysgol Morfa Rhianedd
Safety is promoted within the setting and our children are always supervised. We have a large room that is sectioned into craft area, play and role play and a quiet and tv area. There are a suitable number of toilets available for use by the children attending and a separate toilet for use by the staff.
Opening Times & Club Routine
The After-School Club is open from 2.45pm till 6.00pm Monday to Friday in term time; children attending from3pm and 8.30am till 5.45 pm Monday to Friday in Holiday Club. We are open Teacher Training Days 8.30am till 5.45pm.
We close all BankHolidays and a few days over Christmas
3.00 - Infant children are collected from school and escorted to the Club.
3.30 – Junior children arrive at Club. Register completed. – Snack time (A healthy snack is offered in both clubs.)
3.15-6.00pm – Structured and free play
Language Used
The Out of School Club is English speaking, but we will endeavour to converse (if possible) with the children in whichever language they are comfortable with, by accessing support and guidance.
Activities Offered
A wide variety of activities are offered, outdoor play, physical play, creative and imaginative play and opportunities for free play which will all enhance a child’s development. Some activities will be planned weekly by playworkers with themes and craft ideas used from the children’ meetings. Children are encouraged to participate in the planning and evaluation of activities and offer ideas for equipment when it is being purchased.
No animals are kept on the premises. And none are permitted to enter
Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions for using the Club are set out in the Parent Pack, Policies and Procedures and our Contract / Registration forms which include fees, booking arrangements and notice of termination. A Contract / Registration form must be completed before a child can attend.
Admissions Policy
The Club is open to any child attending Ysgol Craig-y-don or Morfa Rhianedd and any other local school (as long as we have room in the cars)We have an admissions policy which can be obtained from the Manager.
Arrangements for Complaints and Concerns
We welcome suggestions and constructive criticism from parents/carers and children to help us maintain a high-quality provision. Please speak to any of the staff, or if you prefer Karen or Louise if you would like to make any suggestions. (A suggestion box is always available. From time to time a parent/carer may find it necessary to follow the complaints procedure, copies of which are available from the staff. If you are dissatisfied with your response you can contact CIW, Government Offices, Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, LL31 9RZ - 0300 7900 126
Arrangements for Dealing with an Emergency
The Club has comprehensive emergency procedures. Details can be found in the Parent Pack, Contract / Registration forms or Fire & Emergency Policy. If for any reason we need to make urgent decisions (e.g. school/club closed due to severe weather, no heating, parents will be informed as soon as possible.
Policies, Procedures & Operational Plan
Club Policies, Procedures and Operational Plan are reviewed and updated as necessary and are available for parents to read. Please ask staff
This Statement of Purpose is reviewed and updated as necessary and/or in line with any changes in regulations. Any changes to the service are notified to CIW and the parents/carers.
LL30 1TR LL301EG
Club phone 07772 066 279 Club phone 07896 118 209
Registered Persons
Karen Sherrington 07775 721 335 or
Louise Martin-Young 07775721333